The Briefing 10-24-13
1. Two school murders in two days – There is no absolute safety from human sinfulness
Nevada school shooting: Teacher killed, two students wounded, CNN Justice (Catherine E. Shoichet)
Nevada school shooting shows limits of security: Column, USA Today (James Alan Fox)
Why did she die? Motive unknown in Massachusetts teacher slaying, CNN (Lateef Mungin and Pamela Brown)
2. George Will calls the U.S. a ‘Decadent Democracy,’ dependent upon the government to provide lifestyle
At BYU, George Will decries ‘decadent democracy,’ worries with LDS about religious liberty, Deseret News (Tad Walch)
3. To fight terrorism, Nigerians have turned to mass weddings
In Nigeria, Wedlock Seen as Terror Fix, Wall Street Journal (Drew Hinshaw)
4. Majority of Americans support legalization of marijuana
Boulder County lets medical-pot firms enter recreational-use sales, Denver Post (John Fryar)
Like gay marriage, medical marijuana is here to stay, Los Angeles Times (Robin Abcarian)

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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