The Briefing 10-09-13
1. President Obama nominates new head of Federal Reserve
Obama to nominate Janet Yellen to lead Federal Reserve, LA Times (Jim Puzzanghera, Don Lee, and Kathleen Hennessey)
Obama to Pick Yellen as Leader of Fed, Officials Say, New York Times (Jackie Calmes)
2. Recipe for compromise at Loyola Marymount: value ethical “diversity” greater than doctrine
Loyola Marymount drops health coverage for “elective” abortions, LA Times (Larry Gordon)
3. British law ‘does not prohibit’ sex-selection abortions
Law ‘does not prohibit’ sex selection abortions DPP warns, The Telegraph (Holly Watt and Claire Newell)
4. “Fashion for Clergywomen” reminder that theology matters – even for clothing
Make Over Clergy Fashion, New York Times (Joanna Fantozzi)

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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