The Briefing 10-02-13
1) Politics important but not ultimate: 3 sobering realities about the government shutdown
House G.O.P. Stands Firm on Shutdown, but Dissent Grows, New York Times (Jeremy Peters)
Defiant Obama blames government shutdown on GOP ‘ideological crusade’, Washington Post (Lori Montgomery, Paul Kane and Debbi Wilgoren)
Government shutdown: What’s the cost?, CBS News (Rebecca Kaplan)
2) Health insurance vs. health care: Why Obamacare doesn’t solve the problem
Obamacare 101: What You Need to Know, CNN (Jen Christensen)
Young and Healthy Needed to Make Obamacare Work, CNN (Jen Christensen)
Health Exchanges Open for Business, Wall Street Journal (Christopher Weaver and Timothy W. Martin)
Muted Rollout for Much Changed Health Care Law, Wall Street Journal (Louise Radnofsky)
3) Study reveals married couples live longer and healthier lives
Married Cancer Patients Live Longer, New York Times (Tara Parker-Pope)
4) Marriage inequality crisis: Has marriage become a capstone for the privileged class?
How America’s Marriage Crisis Makes Income Inequality So Much Worse, The Atlantic (Derek Thompson)
Coming Apart – America’s Moral Divide: A Conversation with Charles Murray, Thinking in Public

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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