The Briefing 10-01-13
1) Obamacare one of the most significant and morally complicated pieces of legislation in history
Birth Control and a Boss’s Religious Views, New York Times (Editorial)
2) World leaders cannot be understood without understanding their worldview
Who Is Ali Khamenei? Foreign Affairs (Akbar Ganji)
3) Ivy League’s incredible power to influence culture’s worldview
Back to School, The Weekly Standard (David Gelernter)
4) Virginia is ground-zero for legislative effort to nationalize same-sex marriage
Lawyers Olson and Boies want Virginia as same-sex marriage test case, The Washington Post (Robert Barnes)
5) First time in world history: 2050 will see more adults age 60 plus than kids age 15 and under
Global Study: World Not Ready for Aging Population, Associated Press (Kristen Gelineau)

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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