The Briefing 09-25-13
1) Obama may get a low grade in Syria, but he deserves a much higher grade in Iran
America, Russia and Syria, The Economist
2) As an atheist, what do you say to the grieving? Not much.
Grieving as an atheist: a surprising dilemma, The Guardian (Tiffany White)
3) 30 million visits/month: The tragic rise of “live” internet pornography
Intimacy on the Web, With a Crowd, New York Times (Matt Richtel)
4) Penthouse declares bankruptcy
Penthouse Publisher FriendFinder Files for Bankruptcy Protection, Wall Street Journal (Marie Beaudette)
5) When society looks like Maxim magazine, no one needs to buy subscriptions
What Happened to the Maxim Man? New York Times (Matt Haber)
6) Worldview revealing News Brief in New York Times
Man Gets 25 Years in Plot Against Lobbying Group, New York Times (Associated Press)
R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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