The Briefing 09-20-13
1. Pope says Church must stop “obsessing” over homosexuality, abortion, and contraception
A Big Heart Open to God, America (Antonio Spadaro, S.J.)
Pope Says Church Is ‘Obsessed’ With Gays, Abortion and Birth Control, New York Times (Laura Goodstein)
Pope Warns Church Focusing Too Much on Divisive Issues, Wall Street Journal (Deborah Ball)
2. What Roe v. Wade legalized: Unvarnished, unevasive celebration of sex-selection abortion
Why Women Have a Right to Sex-Selective Abortion, The Guardian (Sarah Ditum)
3. Moral wisdom from a surprising place: France outlaws child beauty contests
France Bans Beauty Contests for Girls, The Guardian (Kim Willsher)

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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