The Briefing 09-06-13
1) Frightening new anti-bias ordinance in San Antonio threatens religious liberty
Gay rights advocates seek win in San Antonio, Associated Press (Paul J Weber)
San Antonio Adopts Disputed Gay Rights Measure, Associated Press (Paul J Weber)
Hey AP: Where is religious left on religious liberty issues? Get Religion (Terry Mattingly)
2) U.S. must stand for what’s right against myth of the “international community”
Congress, world credibility on the line with Syria, USA Today (Aamer Madhani)
The west is accelerating its strategic decline, Financial Times (François Heisbourg)
3) German officials storm home and seize kids for crime of homeschooling
German Children Seized From Parents for Crime of Homeschooling, American Conservative (Gracy Howard)
4) Surprise: marijuana use up 7% in just one year
More Americans are using marijuana, USA Today (Donna Leinwand Leger)

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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