The Briefing 08-23-13
1) Despite many calling for Mubarak’s execution, he’s been released. What now?
Egypt’s Ousted Leader Hosni Mubarak Resleased, TIME (Sarah El Deeb)
Mubarak to Be Transferred to House Arrest, New York Times (Rod Nordland)
2) Bradley Manning now wants to be Chelsea Manning, not recognizing that is “bigotry”
‘I Am Chelsea’: Read Manning’s Full Statement, Today News (Today News)
Media Willfully Misgender Chelsea Manning, Salon (Katie McDonough)
What Made Chelsea Manning Hide Her True Identity?, The Guardian (Paris Lees)
3) Massive chemical attack in Syria and U.N. “asks permission to investigate”
U.N. Chief Dispatches Top Official to Syria, Seeks Access to Site of Alleged Chemical Attack, The Washington Post (Loveday Morris and Colum Lynch)
France Urges ‘Force’ in Syria if Chemical Attacks are Confirmed, The New York Times (Alissa Rubin and Alan Cowell)
White House Muted on Alleged Syrian Chemical Atrocity, TIME (Jay Newton-Small)
Also Mentioned:
Keep a Close Watch: When Doctrine and Character Meet in the Mirror, Dr. Mohler

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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