The Briefing 08-14-13
1) New CA law permits school kids to choose facilities and teams based on gender of choice
Transgender students now able to use preferred bathroom in school, Los Angeles Times (Patrick McGreevy)
California governor signs transgender-student bill, Associated Press
2) To what degree is FBI complicit in crimes of Whitey Bulger?
Bulger Guilty in Gangland Crimes, Including Murder, New York Times (Katharine Q Seelye)
3) Nazi war criminal dies awaiting trial, but has he truly escaped justice?
Nazi War Crimes Suspect, 98, Dies Awaiting Trial, New York Times (Alan Cowell)
4) Judge throws out stop-and-frisk policy. Is it racial profiling or important crime prevention?
Stop-and-Frisk Tactic Violates Rights, Judge Rules, Wall Street Journal (Sean Gardiner)
Stopping and Frisking the Cops, Wall Street Journal (Editorial)
Judge Rejects New York’s Stop-and-Frisk Policy, New York Times (Joseph Goldstein)
Racial Discrimination in Stop-and-Frisk, New York Times (Editorial)

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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