The Briefing 08-05-13
1. Embassies shut down in response to al Qaeda threats
France to Shut down Embassy in Yemen, Wall Street Journal
U.S. Issues Global Travel Alert Over Al-Qaeda Threat, USA Today (Natalie DiBlasio)
2. Secular world baffled by In-N-Out, Hobby Lobby, and other “Christian” companies
At Christian Companies, Religious Principles Complement Business Practices, New York Times (Mark Oppenheimer)
3. Pentagon decides explicit magazines no longer explicit
Adult magazines dropped from shelves at Army exchanges, USA Today (Gregg Zoroya)
4. Breastfeeding improves cognitive development of babies
Breastfeeding cold mean 4 IQ points at age 7, Los Angeles Times (Mary Macvean)

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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