The Briefing 06-21-13
1) House passes abortion ban after 22 weeks, the point at which babies feel pain
In Partisan Vote, House Approves Ban on Abortions After 22 Weeks The New York Times (Jeremy Peters)
2) Exodus International ceases homosexual therapy operations with apology for “great harm”
Ex-Gay Leader Says, “I’m Sorry,” The Atlantic (Jeff Chu)
Exodus International: From ‘pray away the gay’ to acceptance, Los Angeles Times (Robin Abcarian)
I Am Sorry, Exodus International (Alan Chambers)
Exodus International to Shut Down, Exodus International
3) British “Girl Guides” take God out of oath, replace with oath to “self” instead
Guides drop God and country – but keep the Queen, The Telegraph (John Bingham)
4) Comprehensive sex clinics in schools approved by Boston district
Boston School Committee approves distribution of condoms in all high schools, Boston Globe (James Vaznis)

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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