The Briefing 06-11-13
1. Karpen’s clinic in Houston a reminder that every abortion clinic is a house of horrors
Anti-abortion group targets doctor, some call it witch hunt, Houston Chronicle (Mike Tolson)
2. Unborn face the danger of geography: Governor Cuomo acts to protect late-term abortion
Cuomo’s Proposal Aims to Protect Late-Term Abortion Access in NY, Pew Forum
Governor Cuomo Fights for Women, New York Times (Editorial)
3. George Zimmerman on trial in Florida in the Travon Martin case
Jury Selection in the Trayvon Martin Case Gets Off to a Slow Start, New York Times (Cara Buckley)
4. American families shrinking but houses just get bigger
New homes still getting bigger, USA Today (Greg Toppo and Paul Overberg)
5. Envelopes becoming obsolete
National Envelope Files for Bankruptcy Protection, Wall Street Journal (Emily Glazer)

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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