The Briefing 06-06-13
1) Recent trials a horrible reminder of murderous humanity
Soldier charged in Afghan massacre: ‘Not a good reason in this world’ for what he did, Washington Post (Associated Press)
Fort Hood Suspect Says Rampage Was to Defend Afghan Taliban Leaders, New York Times (Manny Fernandez)
2) House of Lords debates same-sex marriage: will Christians be further marginalized?
Archbishop Justin’s speech to the Lords on the government’s gay marriage Bill, Archbishop of Canterbury
Gay marriage is not a faith issue, says Archbishop of Canterbury. That sounds like a pretty big concession to me, The Telegraph (Damian Thompson)
Bishops under pressure to abstain in gay marriage vote, The Telegraph (John Bingham)
The rump church opposition to gay marriage is naked patriarchy, The Guardian (Andrew Brown)
3) Muslim college wants to follow American college tradition – will they also slide into secularism?
Muslim college carves niche in USA, USA Today (Mary Beth Marklein)

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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