The Briefing 05-22-13
1. The “Storm of Storms” raises many important worldview questions. Christians should be prepared to give an answer.
Crews Search for Survivors in Oklahoma, New York Times (John Eligon, Manny Fernandez)
Children survive Oklahoma tornado in elementary school bathroom, Washington Post (Lenny Bernstein)
The Goodness of God and the Reality of Evil, (Dr. Albert Mohler)
The Briefing Special Edition: Moore Oklahoma
Why? An Evangelical Answer, RadioWest (Doug Fabrizio and Dr. Albert Mohler)
2. David Cameron advances same-sex marriage, even at the potential cost of his own leadership
Gay marriage Bill passes Commons despite Tory opposition, The Telegraph (Tim Ross)
3. Is Christian prayer permitted in the public square? Supreme Court hearing case on prayer before city council meetings
Justices to weigh whether prayers at meetings violate separation of church, state, Washington Post (Robert Barnes)
4. Business decisions are moral decisions: Yahoo buys Tumblr, declining to block pornograpic content
Why France’s gay marriage debate has started to look like a revolution, The Spectator (John Laughland)
5. Potent example of cultural insanity: L.A. bans school suspension for “willful defiance”
Troubled youths deserve more effective discipline than suspension, Los Angeles Times (Teresa Watanabe)

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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