The Briefing 05-08-13
1. Relief in Cleveland reminder of global sex slavery problem
Three Women Reunited with Families After Years of Captivity CNN (Michael Pearson and Martin Savidge)
Reports of sexual abuse, beatings inside the Cleveland house, USA Today (Yamiche Alcindor and Doug Stanglin)
2. “Walk-away” moms seem unnatural because it is unnatural
Why There Are More Walk-Away Moms, CNN (Peggy Drexler)
3. Immigration rights for same-sex couples reveal political divide
Same-Sex Immigrant Debate Set, Wall Street Journal (Louise Radnofsky)4. Minister challenges authority of reforming Methodist church
Caught in Methodism’s Split Over Same-Sex Marriage. New York Times (Sharon Otterman)
5. Training dogs to bark for earthquakes poses a small problem…

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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