The Briefing 05-06-13

The Briefing 05-06-13

1. Undistilled arrogance and horrible confusion defending unrestricted access to Plan B pill

Putting Politics Ahead of Science, New York Times (Editorial)

U.S. to Defend Age Limits on Morning-After Pill Sales, New York Times (Pam Belluck and Michael D Shear)

Prude or prudent? The debate over access to Plan B, Washington Post (Kathleen Parker)

2. Rhode Island the 10th state to legalize homosexual marriage

Rhode Island Joins States That Allow Gay Marriage, New York Times (Katharine Q. Seelye)

3. Las Vegas opens first legal gambling website

Casinos brace for impact of internet gambling, Associated Press (Wayne Parry)Las Vegas Web Site Is Test for Legal Online Gambling, New York Times (Timothy Pratt)

4. 200th Birthday of Soren Kierkegaard – father of existentialism

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.

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