The Briefing 04-02-13
Story 1 – The Marginalization of Moral Argument in the Same-Sex Marriage Debate
How Gay Marriage Won, Time (David von Drehle)
Bracketing Morality — The Marginalization of Moral Argument in the Same-Sex Marriage Debate, Albert Mohler
Marriage and the Supremes, New York Times (Frank Bruni)
Court should honor traditional marriage: Opposing view, USA Today (Eric Teetsel)
Story 2 – Tug-of-War within GOP Over Gay Marriage
GOP chairman urges tolerance for views on gay marriage, USA Today (Susan Page)
Republicans see cash opportunity in gay marriage shift, Politico (Anna Palmer and Tarini Parti)
Tug-of-War Within GOP Over Gay Marriage, Wall Street Journal (Neil King Jr.)
Who Wanted to Take the Case on Gay Marriage? Ask Scalia, New York Times (Adam Liptak)

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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