The Briefing 03-28-13
Story 1 – DOMA faces tough scrutiny in Supreme Court hearings
Justices Seem Set to End U.S. Ban on Benefits to Gay Spouses, New York Times (Adam Liptak and Peter Baker)
Courting Cowardice, New York Times (Maureen Dowd)
Supreme Court should move with the tide of history, Financial Times
Story 2 – North Dakota in direct collision with Roe v. Wade
Story 3 – Female literary porn reaches 70 million in sales
Oh, My! That Dirty Book Has Sold 70 Million Copies, Wall Street Journal (Jeffrey A. Trachtenberg)
Story 4 – The more meals at home, the better for kids and teens
Each family dinner adds up to benefits for adolescents, USA Today (Sharon Jayson)

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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