The Briefing 03-12-13

The Briefing 03-12-13

1) Why the Papal Conclave matters

Papal conclave to begin without any clear favourites, The Guardian (John Hooper)

Papal conclave has tight structure, uncertain length, Washington Post (Michelle Boorstein and Joel Achenbach)

2) Bill Clinton wants to overturn the Marriage Act he signed and re-write history

It’s time to overturn DOMA, Washington Post (Bill Clinton)

‘Sorry’ Bill Clinton didn’t say more about DOMA, Washington Post (Jonathan Capehart)

President’s statement on DOMA, Bill Clinton

3) Political correctness run amok: the Queen’s “implacable opposition to discrimination”

4) Ban on sugary drinks overturned: should the government protect us from ourselves?

Judge strikes down NYC sugary-drinks limit, USA Today (Laura Petrecca)

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.

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