The Briefing 02-26-13
Story 1 – Worldview Matters – political persuasion can predict movie habits
Politics Counts: The Split Screen on Oscar Movies, Wall Street Journal (Dante Chinni)
Story 2 – Entertainment industry calling for higher taxes while receiving millions in tax breaks
The Hollywood Tax Story They Won’t Tell at the Oscars, Wall Street Journal (Glenn Harlan Reynolds)
Story 3 – Hollywood’s fuzzy distinction between fact and fiction
Confronting the Fact of Fiction and the Fiction of Fact, New York Times (Manohla Dargis)
Story 4 – France President’s personal moral hypocrisy
Story 5 – Internet pornography or the safety of children – which will governments choose?
Iceland Seeks Internet Pornography Ban, The Guardian (Associated Press)
Story 6 – U.S. dropping Tylenol-laced mice on Guam to battle snake infestation
US plan to control Guam’s snake population with toxic mice, The Guardian (Matt Williams)

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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