The Briefing 02-04-13
Story 1 – God cares who wins the Super Bowl
Does God care who wins the Super Bowl? Sports Illustrated (Mark Oppenheimer)
Skimpy uniforms help sell the Super Bowl, Courier-Journal (Christine Fellingham)
Inside the making of VW’s Super Bowl ad, USA Today (Bruce Horovitz)
Story 2 – Are the contraception mandate modifications enough?
Birth Control Rule Altered to Allay Religious Objections, New York Times (Robert Pear)
Obama reopens rift with religious groups, Politico (Carrie Budoff Brown)
Story 3 – NY Mayor Ed Koch: one-of-a-kind
So, how’d he do? New York Times (Joseph Berger)
Story 4 – Impending Boy Scout Decision
Perry Fights Letting Gays in Boy Scouts, New York Times (The Associated Press)
Limping Between Two Opinions: The Moral Evacuation of the Boy Scouts of America,

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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