The Briefing 01-31-13
Story 1 – ‘The Boy Scouts didn’t go far enough’ an undisguised threat from cultural left
The Boy Scouts Fall Short, New York Times (Editorial)
Story 2 – Former conservatives seek partnership with LGBTs in fight for marriage
In Shift, an Activist Enlists Same-Sex Couples in a Pro-Marriage Coalition, Mark Oppenheimer (The New York Times)
Story 3 – Kerry appointed to Sec of State amidst turmoil in Arab Spring
Kerry Sails Through the Senate as Secretary of State, New York Times (Michael R. Gordon)
Story 4 – 15,000 crocodiles remind us how little control we really have
15,000 Crocodiles Escape From South African Farm, New York Times (Dave Mayers)

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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