The Briefing 01-24-13
Story 1 – Women on the front lines: the shocking velocity of cultural change
Pentagon to Lift Ban on Women in Combat, New York Times (Julian E Barnes)
Pentagon to remove ban on women in combat, Washington Post (Ernesto Londoño)
Story 2 – The argument for gay marriage in Rhode Island – an historical anachronism
R.I. House to vote on gay marriage bill, The Boston Globe (David Klepper)
Story 3 – Let elderly people hurry up and die? Human dignity under attack in Japan
Let elderly people ‘hurry up and die’, says Japanese minister, The Guardian (Justin McCurry)
Story 4 – Stay at home Dads on the rise? Maybe not.
At-Home Dads Make Parenting More of a ‘Guy’ Thing, Wall Street Journal (Sue Shellenbarger)
Rise in stay-at-home fathers fuelled by growing numbers of female breadwinners, The Telegraph (Louisa Peackock)

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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