The Briefing 01-22-13
Story 1 – The President’s ideological inauguration speech – what are the significant issues?
Obama sets out goals in inauguration speech: ‘we are made for this moment’ The Guardian (Ewen Macaskill)
Analysis: Obama’s speech takes on divisive issues, USA Today (Susan Page)
Climate Change Given Prominence in Obama’s Address, New York Times (Richard W Stevenson)
Story 2 – The ‘2nd Term Curse’ – What it means and why it matters
Obama looks to avoid the “second-term curse” CBS News (Brian Montopoli)
Story 3 – Dear Abby and the Secular Morality Movement
‘Dear Abby,’ we still need you, USA Today (Sabrina L. Schaeffer)
Story 4 – Do liberals have the cultural wind at their backs?
The Big Deal, New York Times (Paul Krugman)

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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