The Briefing 12-13-12
Story 1 – Is rural America becoming less relevant?
USDA Chief: Rural America Becoming Less Relevant, Associated Press (Mary Clare Jalonick)
Story 2 – The overwhelming power of urban West Coast “Democratopolis”
In West’s ‘Democratopolis,’ Winning an Election With Only 8 of 39 Counties, New York Times (Kirk Johnson)
Story 3 – Retailer “speaks the language” of its teen customers, include extreme profanity
Urban Outfitters Holiday Catalog Gets Naughty, USA Today (Bruce Horovitz)
Story 4 – Can you trust your pediatrician alone with your teen?
Teenagers and the Morning-After Pill, New York Times (Roni Caryn Rabin)
Story 5 – Bobby Petrino claims sin is a “learning experience.” Is sin ever just a learning experience?
Hiring Tarnished Bobby Petrino a Huge Gamble for Western Kentucky, Courier-Journal (Tim Sullivan)

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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