The Briefing 12-07-2012
Story 1 – Gay marriage and marijuana legalized in Washington on the same day – Further evidence of massive culture shift
A Proud, Historic Day for Washington, The Olympian (Editorial)
With a Puff of Smoke, Pot Becomes Legal in Washington: How Will This Work? The Christian Science Monitor (Patrik Jonsson)
Washington’s Legalization of Marijuana Far More Complicated than it Might Seem at First Puff, Washington Post (Associated Press)
Marijuana Legalization: How Strategy and Timing Translated into Lawful Pot Possession, Huffington Post (Gene Johnson)
Clinton Says Drug Legalization Would Not Quell Violence,
Story 2 – Attitudes toward gays changing fast – the trajectory of acceptance
USA’s Shifting Attitudes Toward Gay Men and Lesbians, USA Today (Susan Page)
Story 3 – Man murdered in public – would you have been the hero?
Suspect Confesses in Pushing Death of Queens Dad in Times Square Subway Station, New York Post (Kirstan Conley)
After Fatal Subway Shove, Asking: Were There No Heroes? New York Times (Michael Wilson)
Life and Death on the Tracks in New York: Would You Be a Hero? The Atlantic Cities (Sarah Goodyear)

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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