The Briefing 12-06-12
Story 1 – Taking kids away from parents in order to give the kids without parents a “fair chance”
French President Pushing Homework Ban as Part of Ed Reforms, Washington Post (Valerie Strauss)
François Hollande Wants to Abolish Homework. Is that a Good Idea? Washington Post (Dylan Matthews)
Story 2 – Harvard’s dissenter on the dangers of our country’s new definition of justice
The Crisis of American Self-Government, Wall Street Journal (Sohrab Ahmari)
Story 3 – Homosexual calls President Clinton to apologize for “indisputable discrimination”
Dear President Clinton, New York Times (Frank Bruni)
Story 4 – One billion dollars and 150 million hours spent in just 15 days – on one video game.
‘Call of Duty: Black Ops II’ reaches $1B in sales faster than ‘Avatar,‘ New York Post (Anthony Sull-Heffinger)
Story 5 – The humbling truth – nobody knows why we yawn
The Unsolved Mystery of Why You Just Yawned, Wall Street Journal (Matt Ridley)

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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