The Briefing 02-13-14
1) Kentucky Federal Judge overturns will of the people on same-sex marriage
The Other Shoe Drops in Kentucky: Federal Court Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage in the Commonwealth,
Kentucky ban on gay marriages from other states struck down by federal judge, Louisville Courier-Journal (Andrew Wolfson)
Gay marriage | Kentucky still opposed, but acceptance growing, Bluegrass Poll says, Louisville Courier-Journal (Tom O’Neill)
2) Court considers overturning Texas same-sex marriage ban
U.S. court hears suit to overturn same-sex marriage ban in Texas, Reuters (Jin Forsyth)
Same sex couples ask federal judge to stay Texas’ anti-gay marriage amendment The Dallas Morning News (Robert T. Garrett)
3) Pray for husband of brain dead woman on life support carrying his unborn child
Brain-Dead, a Canadian Woman Remains a Silent Partner Awaiting Birth, New York Times (Ian Austen)
4) What’s holding back American teenagers? High school is boring and not challenging
What’s Holding Back American Teenagers?, Slate (Laurence Steinberg)

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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