The Briefing 06-03-13
1) Tornadoes and wildfires threaten as we remember the grace and mercy of an omnipotent God
‘Unpredictable’ storm in Oklahoma turned on three chasers, CNN (Jake Carpenter and Catherine E. Shoichet)
Tornado kills ‘Storm Chasers” Carl Young, Tim and Paul Samaras, Los Angeles Times (Meredith Blake)
Death toll rises to 13 in Oklahoma storms, Los Angeles Times (Devin Kelly)
2) ELCA continues to prove it is neither Evangelical, nor Lutheran, nor a Church
Evangelical Lutheran Church elects first openly gay bishop, Los Angeles Times (Catherin Saillant)
3) 110 PCUSA congregations dismissed to other denominations
Stated Clerk releases PC(USA) 2012 statistics,
4) 72.8% of college philosophy professors “accept or lean toward atheism.”
Why Philosophers Need Not Shun the Templeton Foundation, The Chronicle of Higher Education (Jonathan Mark)
5) Conservative group says Cameron has “no evidence” same-sex marriage will strengthen marriage
Gay marriage betrays family values, Tories warn David Cameron, The Telegraph (Peter Dominiczak)
Conservative Chairmen deliver letter to PM, Conservative Grassroots
6) In Radical Islam, there is a critical difference between integration and assimilation
American Dawa, National Review (Andrew C. McCarthy)

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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