The Briefing Special Edition – Connecticut Shooting
This special edition of The Briefing is released in response to the recent shooting in an elementary school in Newtown Connecticut.
How do we respond to a horrible event like this? How do we speak and how do we pray? Dr. Mohler answers these pressing questions and many more.
In addition, Dr. Mohler conducts an interview with Rev. Joey Newton of Newtown Bible Church.
Don’t miss this special edition of The Briefing
Additional Resources:
The Salvation of the ‘Little Ones’: Do Infants who Die Go to Heaven? Dr. Mohler and Daniel L Akin
Facing the Reality of Evil, The Washington Post (Dr. Mohler)
Truth-Telling in a Time of Tragedy: September 11, 2001
The Dark Night in Denver — Groping for Answers
Playing the Blame Game — Who Is to Blame for Blacksburg?

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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